
The power of Machine Learning Automation

AutoEdge technology is based on years of research in AutoML, explainable AI, and broader ML techniques.

Trusted by the world’s leading organizations

Democratizing AI with the power of the open source.

Create, train, and deploy cutting-edge machine learning models with our state-of-the-art leading open source.

We are here to help you create reliable datasets and tailor-made solutions.

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Build deep ML models effortlessly

AutoEdge helps domain experts build highly accurate deep machine learning models regardless of their computer science experience

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Time-Series Outlier Detection

This full-stack automated ML system provides modules for building ML-powered outlier detection systems for data scientists.

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AutoVideo for automated video analysis

Accurately recognizing and interpreting actions in videos create endless applications for different industries

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TinyML - Real-time object detection system

Integrate object recognition capability to portable video devices with constraints in resources

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By creating synthetic data that have similar attributes to real data, you can create more accurate ML models for different purposes.

You can refer to use cases in your industry of interest. (link to use case page)

As of now, we only support time-series data.

Yes, we currently support the MAX78000 and MAX78002 platforms.

As of now, open-source frameworks are free to use. However, we do offer services to help you further analyze different types of data using our unique capabilities. Contact us now! (Link to form page)